The lv 7 series of bags have original classic designs and some classic models.

Transparent bags are so popular right now! Alexander Wang's transparent bag has a very sporty feel. The frosted PVC fabric and black canvas handle are relatively neutral, making it more special than ordinary transparent bags! Coupled with the large size and a leather hanging bag, it is especially suitable for cool girls.


Crocodile skin handbag - Evening Bags - New Zealand

Alexander Wang clothing and accessories always capture the delicate balance between street style Langchi charm and fashionable simplicity. Featuring sharp tailoring, sporty appeal and an infectious color palette, this New York-based collection of boyfriend suits, metallic bags and his signature slouchy Alexander Wang T-shirts effortlessly transition between couture and off-duty. .



Recently I really like Mulberry Mini Seaton. It has a British college style all over the body, especially the black and dark red ones. There are two types, and the lock design is very special and it is not troublesome to use. Mini Seaton is actually not very small, it can hold everyday things, and is very suitable for the petite figures of Asian girls.


Comed from Mulberry, which has a very upright British style!


  Since the creative director was changed to Celine's former designer  Johnny Coca


  ; Mulberry has become so beautiful that it can't stop being beautiful


  And it is not difficult to find the shadow of Celine in the new styles


  Same simplicity, same frigidity


  And has its own style symbol


< p>... At the 2017 autumn and winter London show that just ended yesterday


  Mulberry surprised me again


  Wash your eyes with the hot photos


  Trunk Trunk uses circle design elements


  Inspired by the suitcase for hats


  The silk scarf next to the round bag is very eye-catching< /p>




  I have to say


  Johnny is a very thoughtful designer


  Think about his previous years at Céline

< p> 

  Designed a series of classic bags such as the Smiley Bag, the Swing Bag, the Bat Bag, etc.


  None of them were People know


  - Well, indeed crocodile leather bag store


  Johnny Coca His appearance is very inconspicuous



  He is less than 1.6 meters tall and not handsome at all.

< p> 



  None of these can hide the light of a talented designer


  People must be talented and have a good platform


  - Enough about Fashion Week

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  Let's take a look at the bags currently on sale that are worth buying


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J.W. Anderson Pierce for Mytheresa Special Series. The three-linked bull nose ring design is very distinctive and has become J.W. Anderson's iconic design. The ones in the picture are all Mytheresa special series.




 Louis Vuitton Series The 7 series of bags add a lot of Parisian elegance and romance to the original classic design. Not only do they have presbyopic elements, the designer also uses many very special textures and designs

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For friends who love shopping, knowing the classic bags of major brands is definitely not a big deal, but for many friends who are new to luxury goods, knowing the classic bags of some brands is still a big deal. It's necessary. Louis Vuitton's old-fashioned bags have been extremely popular recently, so let's take the opportunity to get to know some of its classic bags.



But for many friends who are new to luxury goods, it is still necessary to know the classic models of some brands. Louis Vuitton's presbyopic bags have become extremely popular recently.





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